Student comments 2014/學生感受2014
Although students had found it tough adapting to the living conditions, the experience of meeting new people and making new friends made the trip a great success. Here are some comments by students at the end of the trip.
Their passion for learning has really taught me to work hard on everything I do. I have learnt to appreciate the learning environment we have at Island School and to cherish every opportunity available to us. Their positive attitude and energy was truly something worth admiring. I feel that I have made the most out of this trip and I hope that the children enjoyed the experience as much as I did.
After the two teaching practices I realized that the trip would require a lot of planning and hard work. We pulled through in the end and I truly enjoyed teaching the children in Baiwan.
The simplicity of the nature of the Baiwan countryside, and the charismatic spirits of the kids have given me a new take on seeing people and life in general, definitely my most eye-opening experience, thank you.
The Baiwan CAS trip has been such an amazing experience, and throughout the week I have not only been teaching to kids, but learning a lot about what it’s like to be a teacher, and I’ve learnt a lot about the culture as well. When I found out most of the kids we teach barely see their parents because their parents had gone to live in the city to make more money, and that most kids live on only 10 RMB for meals at school for the whole day, it made me feel hugely privileged to live in a place like Hong Kong and get brought up in a wealthy family. It felt very good to be able to have an opportunity to teach the students in the school, and I know they appreciated it.
白灣CAS 旅行是令人驚異的經驗。整個星期我不僅給孩子上課,還學到很多關於當老師的經驗,亦有很多關於文化方面的體會。當我發現大多數我們教過的孩子,由於父母在城市
城市工作賺錢而很少和他們見面,和大多數孩子們每天僅有 10 元人民幣的使費,讓我感到在香港生活並在一個富裕的家庭中長大是非常幸運。能夠有機會在學校向孩子授課的經驗真好,我知道他們欣賞的。
白湾CAS 旅行是令人惊异的经验。整个星期我不仅给孩子上课,还学到很多关于当老师的经验,亦有很多关于文化方面的体会。当我发现大多数我们教过的孩子,由于父母在城市工作赚钱而很少和他们见面,和大多数孩子们每天仅有 10 元人民币的使费,让我感到在香港生活并在一个富裕的家庭中长大是非常幸运。能够有机会在学校向孩子授课的经验真好,我知道他们欣赏的。
At the end of one of the lessons, one of the students came up to me, and gave me a piece of drawing, and said “多谢,彤彤老师” (thank you, Miss Tong Tong). And frankly, I think I should have been the one who thanked her for putting a smile on my face for the rest of the trip.