Baiwan Community/白灣社區


With the encouragement of local government, many families leave Baiwan to live in Qing Yuan. There are less than 1,000 people living in the community, who live mostly in small family farms. With the closure of the cement factory in early 2007, there are very few job opportunities left. More and more adults left home to work in the cities. Only the elderly people and children remain in the region.

隨著地方政府的鼓勵,許多家庭離開白灣往清遠生活。目前不夠 1,000 人住在社區裡,大部份都是小農家;當水泥廠於2007年結業後,工作機會已變得非常罕有。大部分的成年人都離家到城市工作,祗留下老人和小孩。


Since September 2003, Baiwan has been downgraded to a district. It is now under the governance of Shitan town. The town government office is 23 km away from the centre of Baiwan, and this makes the district even more isolated.




Agriculture is the major source of income but the rocky nature of the land does not enhance water retention. Even when farming is possible during the warmer seasons from April to November, the output from the farmlands is poor.

