Student comments 2018/學生感受2018

Although students had found it tough adapting to the living conditions and the language barrier made it difficult for some to communicate with the local children, the experience of meeting new people and making new friends made the trip a great success. Here are some comments by students at the end of the trip.


虽然学生难以适应白湾的生活条件而语言的隔阂亦成为部份学生和当地孩子沟通的障碍,但在这里见识和认识新朋友的经历却令旅程显得十分成功。 以下是2018年度学生团在旅程结束时写下的部分感言。

Knowing that an eleven year old has to carry such a big responsibility at such a young age is socking. Most of the children’s parents have to leave Baiwan to work in order to be able to support their family and being able to come to Baiwan to teach the children English and new skills was really rewarding as you know that you’ve played a part in the children’s lives, no matter how insignificant.
The one thing that motivated me to carry on going throughout the week was the smile that you can see on the children’s faces after they manage to learn the ukulele chords and strumming pattern and this made me realise that a lot of us take what we have for granted and that a lot of thought and planning goes behind every lesson that teachers teach.



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The kids in Baiwan were amazing because they helped me and told me that I am a nice person. It helped me boost my confidence… I had a challenge where I was scared when I was teaching the kids …but I gave it my all and I was so thankful that I got to teach the kids.



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Baiwan is definitely a place I would never forget, the experience has definitely opened my eyes to see the struggle of the children and how they cope through independence, friendship and creating a bond between Island School students and the Baiwan students. As sad as the community’s environment is, knowing I am making a difference definitely makes me and certainly everyone happier.



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It goes beyond me that I would enjoy teaching and dealing with children, as I have always found children annoying. Despite not being able to speak in Chinese and understand their language, I was still able to feel a sense of connection with some of the children.



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I started teaching some of the kids when they were in primary school and they are all grown up and actually say “Hi, 淽蔚”. I wasn’t expecting them to recognize me because I won’t count myself as a very important person in their life. After realizing that this will probably be my last time going to Baiwan, I was really upset since I didn’t get time to say goodbye to them.

當其中一些孩子在小學時我已經開始教授他們,現在他們都長大了並跟我說” 淽蔚,你好!”.我並沒有期望他們會認得我,因為我相信在他們生命中我不是個重要人物.由於沒有時間跟他們道別,知道這可能是最後一次到白灣使我十分傷感.

当其中一些孩子在小学时我已经开始教授他们,现在他们都长大了并跟我说” 淽蔚,你好!”.我并没有期望他们会认得我,因为我相信在他们生命中我不是个重要人物.由于没有时间跟他们道别,知道这可能是最后一次到白湾使我十分伤感.