Participant comments Christmas 2018/ 聖誕團參加者感受 2018

Art and craft Dec 2018

Seeing the spectacular scenery of Baiwan, I thought it was a busy tourist destination. However, only some poor students live in there. We went to different schools to teach them knowledge in various areas. This not only helped them to increase their knowledge, but also made me realise helping others was the root of happiness.

看到了白灣那壯麗的山水,我本以為那裡會是一個人山人海的旅遊區。 但真正住在那裡的人,只有一些貧窮的學生。 這一次我們到了不同的學校教授他們各個範疇的知識,這些不但能讓他們在這兩天有知識的增長,而且還讓我明白到助人為快樂之本的道理。

看到了白湾那壮丽的山水,我本以为那里会是一个人山人海的旅游区。 但真正住在那里的人,只有一些贫穷的学生。 这一次我们到了不同的学校教授他们各个范畴的知识,这些不但能让他们在这两天有知识的增长,而且还让我明白到助人为快乐之本的道理。


From this volunteer event, I found that many of the poor students here are very smart. For example, when we played the maths game Rummikub, they knew how to constantly combine the cards in their hands so that the cards could be removed slowly. Their strategies were sometimes truly amazing. Although they are talented, their family cannot give them monetary support for further education. It is a shame that they cannot have the knowledge to change their fate and leave the vicious cycle of poverty. I hope more people can come to help them.


从这一次义工活动,我发现这里的贫苦学生有不少是非常聪明的。 例如我们玩魔力桥(鲁米库布)数学游戏时,他们懂得不断组合自己手上的牌,把它们慢慢出掉,有时想到的方法更是出神入化,令人惊叹! 虽然他们有很好的天资,却因家里不够钱继续上学,用知识改变命运,脱离贫穷,真的太可惜! 我希望能有更多人来帮助他们。

I was very lucky to have this opportunity to teach in Baiwan. I not only helped a lot of students, but also enriched my own experience. Firstly, I have gained valuable experience in teaching. I provided some of the knowledge that Baiwan students do not normally learn and broadened their horizons. Secondly, I have learned a lot of knowledge myself. Sometimes students listened attentively, and sometimes every one ignored the teacher. Encountered these situations, I learned to persevere and do not give up halfway. On the whole, this Baiwan trip is meaningful and interesting. I will definitely come again next time.


我非常幸运有了这个机会去白湾支教。 我不只是帮助了很多学生,同时也丰富了自己的人生经验。第一是,我获得了教学实习的宝贵经验,提供一些白湾学生平时学不到的知识,增广他们的眼界。第二是,我自己学到了很多知识。 有时学生会专心地听讲,有时没人会理睬老师。 碰上了这些情况,我学会了一定要坚持到底,不能半途而废。白湾这个旅程总的来说,又有意义又有趣,下次肯定会再来。


It was a really good experience going to Baiwan and teach people in need. After visiting a few homes and hearing their stories, I feel very grateful that I have an amazing family and education. This trip was a very valuable experience for me to have fun and also learn.

去白灣和教導有需要的人是個很好的經歷。 探訪了幾戶人家和聽了他們的故事後 ,我很感恩我有一個很捧的家庭和接受良好教育。 這次旅程對我來說是一次非常寶貴的經驗, 讓我開心也能學習。

去白湾和教导有需要的人是个很好的经历。 探访了几户人家和听了他们的故事后 ,我很感恩我有一个很捧的家庭和接受良好教育。 这次旅程对我来说是一次非常宝贵的经驗,让我开心也能学习。

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As the saying goes: “Knowledge changes fate.” “ After this Christmas holiday went to Baiwan, I began to question the veracity of the remark. The children there have a dream: some want to be a pilot, cook, teacher, entertainer and so on. Some want to see the outside world. Some just hope to live a stable life and to earn money outside to improve the quality of their family’s life. Maybe these are nothing to us, but they may be a bit extravagant for the Baiwan children. We visited a third grader’s home. He was very unfortunate. His mother ran away from home when he was younger and has never come back. His father also died two years ago, leaving behind his grandmother, a cousin and him. More importantly, he does not have identity documents, so he cannot leave Baiwan to attend high school, let alone work outside Baiwan. Even if he succeeds in completing his identity documents, he cannot afford to further his study outside Baiwan. So no matter how sensible he is, how hard he studies, how many books he learns, it is difficult to change his destiny.

These days of experience have made me understand how lucky I am and I hope to be able to help these children to the best of my ability. I think it is a pity that some of them are very smart and gifted, but do not have the opportunity to get a proper education to stimulate their potential. I hope that I can continue to come to Baiwan to teach next year and the year after… At the same time, I hope that more people can help the Baiwan children and give them financial, material and moral support.

常言道:“知識改變命運。“ 這個聖誕假去了白灣後,我開始質疑這句話的真實性。那裡的孩子心裡都懷著一個個夢想:有的是想去當機師、廚師、老師、藝人等,有的是想出省看看外面的世界,有的只希望能過著穩穩的生活,到外面掙錢讓家人能過上好生活。也許這些對我們來說不算什麼,可是那些對他們來說卻可能有點奢侈。我們去了一位三年級小朋友的家裡做家訪,他十分不幸,小時候母親離家出走後就從沒回來過。兩年前他的父親也去世了,留下奶奶,一個堂妹和他。更重要的是,他沒有身分證明文件,因此不能出省讀高中,更不能出去打工。就算他之後成功辦妥身分證明文件,也沒錢出省。所以無論他多麼懂事,多麼努力學習,看多少書學習多少知識,也難以改變自己的命運。

這幾天的經歷讓我明白到自己是多麼幸運,我希望能夠盡我所能的幫助這些孩子。他們其中有些人十分聰明,十分有天賦,卻沒有機會得到適當的教育去激發他們的潛能,我認為十分可惜。我希望明年,後年,大後年… 都能繼續來白灣支教。同時,我也希望能有更多人能夠幫助白灣的孩子,給予他們在金錢、物資、精神等方面的資助。

常言道:“知识改变命运。 “ 这个圣诞假去了白湾后,我开始质疑这句话的真实性。 那里的孩子心里都怀着一个个梦想:有的是想去当机师、厨师、老师、艺人等,有的是想出省看看外面的世界,有的只希望能过着稳稳的生活,到外面挣钱让家人能过上好生活。 也许这些对我们来说不算什么,可是那些对他们来说却可能有点奢侈。 我们去了一位三年级小朋友的家里做家访,他十分不幸,小时候母亲离家出走后就从没回来过。 两年前他的父亲也去世了,留下奶奶,一个堂妹和他。 更重要的是,他没有身分证明文件,因此不能出省读高中,更不能出去打工。 就算他之后成功办妥身分证明文件,也没钱出省。 所以无论他多么懂事,多么努力学习,看多少书学习多少知识,也难以改变自己的命运。

这几天的经历让我明白到自己是多么幸运,我希望能够尽我所能的帮助这些孩子。 他们其中有些人十分聪明,十分有天赋,却没有机会得到适当的教育去激发他们的潜能,我认为十分可惜。 我希望明年,后年,大后年…都能继续来白湾支教。 同时,我也希望能有更多人能够帮助白湾的孩子,给予他们在金钱、物资、精神等方面的资助。