Baiwan Secondary School/白灣中學

Baiwan Secondary School
In summer 2019, Baiwan Charity donated a multipurpose meeting room to Baiwan Secondary School. This included a display cabinet, a computer system and a projector.


在2019年夏天,白湾慈善基金捐赠了一间多功能会议室给白湾中学; 包括展示柜,计算机系统和投影机.

Fifty MP3 were donated to the Baiwan Secondary School in March 2018 to help Y9 students to improve their English listening skills. The Baiwan Charity also sponsored the school to build the covered corridors between the various blocks of the school building.


白湾中学在2018年三月初获赠五十部MP3机用来改善初三学生的英语听力. 白湾慈善基金同时资助了白湾中学建设风雨走廊的费用.

In 2017, Island School donated some bilingual dictionaries to Baiwan Secondary School.



In December 2012, we sponsored the school to renovate its kitchen so that the school canteen can meet the new hygiene standards.



Since June 2008, we sponsor a graduate of the school to continue high school education in Qingyuan. From 2014, a scholarship is established to expand sponsorship up to 4 graduates yearly. In November 2010, the Nansen House of Island School sponsored to build a new badminton court in the school.
從2008年六月開始,我們資助一名畢業生到清遠讀高中。 由2014年起,我們擴大了奬學金額使到每年最多四名畢業生受到資助。港島中學的藍社在2010年11月贊助學校興建了一個羽毛球場。

从2008年六月开始,我们资助一名毕业生到清远读高中。 由2014年起,我们扩大了奬学金额使到每年最多四名毕业生受到资助。港岛中学的蓝社在2010年11月赞助学校兴建了一个羽毛球场。

In December 2007 during the holidays of Australian universities, two youngsters spent a few days teaching English in Baiwan secondary school. They soon realized the English textbook was too hard for the students there. They started to write a bridging book during their free time after lessons. The book was then printed in January 2008. The principal and the English teachers believe the book will help to improve the achievement of students in public exams. Click here to find out more about the book.


Baiwan Secondary School was once double its current student population. Since the reduction of school fees in 2001, the student population increased from 450 in 2000 to 660 in 2004. There was a pressing need to find extra classrooms and dorm rooms to provide accommodation for the increased populace. A new dormitory was built in November 2005 and we donated some bunk beds on its completion.

白灣中學曾經是目前學生人數的兩倍。因學費於2001年起開始下調,學生人數便由2000年時的450,增至2004年的660.對額外的課室和宿舍有非常迫切的需要.新的宿舍於 2005 年建成,當時我們捐贈了一批雙層床給學校。

白湾中学曾经是目前学生人数的两倍。因学费于2001年起开始下调,学生人数便由2000年时的450,增至2004年的660.对额外的课室和宿舍有非常迫切的需要.新的宿舍于 2005 年建成,當時我们捐赠了一批双层床给学校。


In March 2002, the school received donation to establish a computer room with 15 computers. Some teachers were trained to install the network and set up the first intranet system within Baiwan. At that time, this was probably the most advanced computer room in the Qing Xin county. In December 2002, the government delivered more computers to the school. Although the school has to find money to pay for the extra computers and the consequential soaring electric bill, it has now a relatively well-equipped computer room to teach basic computer literacy.

在2002年3月,學校獲捐贈而設立了一間有十五台機的電腦室,有些老師接受了安裝網絡的訓練,並在白灣設定了首個內聯網系統. 在當時,這應是清新縣內最先進的的電腦室.在2002年十二月,政府把更多電腦運給該校.這雖令校要額外籌措金錢以支付這些電腦和因而增加的電費, 但這亦令該校擁有較完善的電腦室作教授基本電腦的應用。

在2002年3月,学校获捐赠而设立了一间有十五台机的计算机室,有些老师接受了安装网络的训练,并在白湾设定了首个内部网络系统. 在当时,这应是清新县内最先进的的计算机室.在2002年十二月,政府把更多计算机运给该校.这虽令校要额外筹措金钱以支付这些计算机和因而增加的电费, 但这亦令该校拥有较完善的计算机室作教授基本计算机的应用。