Student comments 2003/學生感受2003

children on the roadThe visit to Baiwan has always turned out to be an extremely rewarding experience for IS students. The following are some comments written by Group 2003 at the end of the trip.




I felt that I had accomplished something every time I walked out of the classroom. The children were always smiling or looking at you as if you were from outer space! After seeing some of the villages and their living conditions it makes me more aware of other people in poor countries and it makes me want to help more.

每次踏出課室,我都感到自己達成了一些東西.兒童們總是微笑並像看外星人般看你!當看過一些村落及其中的生活情況後,它們令我更留意其他生活在窮困 地區的人及令我希望能幫助他們多一些。

每次踏出课室,我都感到自己达成了一些东西.儿童们总是微笑并像看外星人般看你!当看过一些村落及其中的生活情况後,它们令我更留意其他生活在穷困 地区的人及令我希望能帮助他们多一些。


We had rooms with spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes and ants, had cold showers, had the same breakfast menu for 5 days, and had to walk many kilometers a day, but we couldn’t complain because we knew they were the best things we could have in this town. Looking at how primary students have to walk around 8 km a day, how they are eager to learn anything yet have poor education standard, and how they appreciate the small things like a balloon or a simple “hi” from us, we couldn’t help saying that we take too many things for granted. …they absorbed everything we told them…some of them started to develop some complicated movements and profound understanding in chess. … they refused to play outside even if the class was over.

我們身處蜘蛛、蟑螂、蚊子、螞蟻處處的房間,以冷水淋浴,五天早餐一式一樣,且每天要走幾公里路, 但我們不可以投訴,因為我們知道這些都是他們這鄉鎮裡最好的東西.看看那些小學生怎樣每天走八公里, 怎樣在低教育水平下仍渴望知道一切,及怎樣感謝一些小事如一個氣球或只是對他們的一句 ”你好”,我們便不得不說自己 視太多事情為理所當然. ...他們吸收我們所教的一切...有一部分人開始發展出一些象棋中複雜的棋路及深入的理解,... 他們甚至所課堂完了都拒絕出外玩耍。

我们身处蜘蛛、蟑螂、蚊子、蚂蚁处处的房间,以冷水淋浴,五天早餐一式一样,且每天要走几公里路, 但我们不可以投诉,因为我们知道这些都是他们这乡镇里最好的东西.看看那些小学生怎样每天走八公里, 怎样在低教育水平下仍渴望知道一切,及怎样感谢一些小事如一个气球或只是对他们的一句 ”你好”,我们便不得不说自己 视太多事情为理所当然. ...他们吸收我们所教的一切...有一部分人开始发展出一些象棋中复杂的棋路及深入的理解,... 他们甚至所课堂完了都拒绝出外玩耍。


In the secondary school we visited, we were shocked to see how the students voluntarily studied hard. They seemed to know instinctively that education was the only thing they had, and we felt ashamed…On the bus going back to HK, I miss the air, smell, dust of Baiwan, and those 20 innocent smiles and 40 sparkling eyes that always pleased us. … . I wish someone else better than us would be there to give them more insights and help.

在一次中學的參觀中,我們被眼前所見學生們怎樣的自發求學震呆了.他們彷彿本能地知道教育是他們的所有,使我們感到慚愧...在回程的巴士上, 我懷念白灣的空氣,味道以至沙塵,及那二十張天真無邪的笑容與四十隻經常對我們表示感謝的閃亮眼眸. ...我希望有其他比我們更好的人能到來給他們更 大的啟發和幫助。

在一次中学的参观中,我们被眼前所见学生们怎样的自发求学震呆了.他们彷佛本能地知道教育是他们的所有,使我们感到惭愧...在回程的巴士上, 我怀念白湾的空气,味道以至沙尘,及那二十张天真无邪的笑容与四十只经常对我们表示感谢的闪亮眼眸. ...我希望有其他比我们更好的人能到来给他们更 大的启发和帮助。


Going to Baiwan was and will be one of the best experiences in life, which I’d trade for no other. The most important lesson I learnt through my stay is learning to be thankful. I never realized how blessed I was, until I saw almost everything that I considered basic being luxuries that the local people didn’t get. Though my tonsils are burning and are terribly sore, I am certain this is the best interim week ever in my life.

白灣之行是並將是我一生中其中一段最好的經驗,而這是不能以其他東西交換的.這次停留教給我最重要的一課就是學會感謝.直到我看到差不多每件我視為基本的東西 在其他得不到的人眼中是多麼奢侈時,我永不意識到自己是怎樣地受天上祝福.雖然我的喉嚨又灼熱又痛,但我仍然認為這是我一生中最好的過渡週。

白湾之行是并将是我一生中其中一段最好的经验,而这是不能以其他东西交换的.这次停留教给我最重要的一课就是学会感谢.直到我看到差不多每件我视为基本的东西 在其他得不到的人眼中是多麽奢侈时,我永不意识到自己是怎样地受天上祝福.虽然我的喉咙又灼热又痛,但我仍然认为这是我一生中最好的过渡周。