Student comments 2015/學生感受2015

Although students had found it tough adapting to the living conditions, the experience of meeting new people and making new friends made the trip a great success. Here are some comments by students at the end of the trip.



CIMG3207-001From interacting with the children, seeing how happy they were despite their circumstances, each individual had a distinct personality, despite living in poverty these levels are still able to remain positive and maintaining a positive outlook on life. I admire how these children are so real and care-free with each other, giving up on the materialistic joys of life. I especially enjoyed listening to the personal stories of students and stroked me that it was important that I helped them to achieve their dreams, feeling guilty about how I take so much for granted. Baiwan honestly humbled me and was a wake up call for me to start being globally aware of those in need.


当我与孩子接触之后,看到他们局限于外在环境中仍是那么快乐;每个人都是那么独特,生活虽然贫困但仍然保持正面的人生观。 我欣赏他们的真诚和互相信任,并放弃了物质生活的欢愉。 我特别喜欢听学生的故事,令我明白到帮助他们实现梦想的重要,亦令我自愧于把一切当作理所当然。 白湾令我觉得惭愧,亦惊醒我对于世界其他有需要的人的认知。

CIMG3249-001We made a lot of friends in the secondary school, they liked us and our classes. At the end, we traded QQ accounts and emails. We also had a few primary school kids with us quite a lot, and they were sad to see us go. The week ended very quickly, and we were so upset to leave the place. I feel that we’ve made a huge impact on their lives. We are still currently keeping in contact with a few of them. I hope I can visit soon. I never thought I would say this, but I love Baiwan and I really want to go back.


我们在白湾中学结识了很多朋友,他们喜欢我们和上我们的课;最后我们交换了QQ账号和电邮。 有些小学生常常跟我们在一起,他们见我们离开感到十分难过。 这个星期过得很快,我们舍不得离去。 我觉得我们给他们的生命带来很大的冲击,我们跟其中一些仍旧保持联络。 我希望很快可以再来。 我以前无法想象我会这么说的,但我爱白湾,我真的想回去。CIMG3397-001

On the first day of the trip, I could hardly adapt to the life in boarding school of Qingyuan. Since I had to sleep on hard bunk beds without foam, use squat toilets without flushing and shower with a tap. I really wanted to go home that night. I thought that I could not get through the week. As I arrive at Baiwan and started teaching, I started to like the place. I had a lot of fun teaching the students and am very delighted to know them. I miss them very much when I had to leave Baiwan. Although I got their contact number, there is a high chance that we would not be able to text each other, nor would we meet each other. Whenever I realize that it’s a lifelong goodbye, I get very upset.


在行程的第一天,我不能适应在清远寄宿学校的生活。 我要睡在没有床褥的硬板床上,用没有冲水设备的蹲厕和用水龙头沐浴。 我当晚便想回家,我想不可能捱过这星期。 当我抵达白湾并开始教书之后,我慢慢喜欢那里。 我教学生时得到很多欢乐,能够认识他们真开心。 当我要离开时我真的舍不得他们,虽然有他们的电话,但很可能不会跟他们发短信或者再见面。 一想到这是永别我便感到很伤心。

CIMG3439-002The kids are always going to lie in my head forever along with this trip. Most of them really want to learn but don’t have the money to learn. We can all see that the kids there are all very happy and have great capacity to learn.


这些孩子跟这个旅程一样将永远留存在我脑海里。 他们大部份都渴望学习但无钱去学,我们可以见到他们都那么快乐和有学习能力。CIMG3452-001





The thing that pulled me towards the children was their liveliness and innocence. .. There were extremely tough times when cooperation in the class was not present, or when there was tension between me and the students either because they did not understand or they were just straight up being difficult. In the end we always found a way to work around our problems and make the children understand.


天真活泼的孩子使我投向他们。。。 有些极之不合作的孩子,或者当他们听不懂时,都会使到班内的气氛十分紧张;最后我们都找到解决办法令到孩子明白我们的课。