Year 2009


In December 2009, a small party of Island School community visited Baiwan. They paid for new bunk beds in the dormitory of Baiwan Secondary School. They sponsored the school to install a computer network system in the staffroom. They sponsored Nan An Primary School to strengthen the fence on the balcony. They sponsored Bei An Primary School to install a pumping system which draw water to the kitchen from the reservoir at the back of the school. They also employ a full time staff to look after the children who stay in the school dormitory. We pay for overtime subsidies of teachers who help the daily maintenance of Hao Qiang Primary School.

2009 年 12 月,港島中學幾位朋友到訪白灣。他們為白灣中學購買一批雙層床,出資為老師辦公室安裝電腦網路;為南安小學加固陽臺護欄。為北安小學安裝水管從學校後山水庫引水進廚房,他們還僱了一位全職員工照顧宿生。他們還支付加班補貼給參與日常維修工作的濠強小學教師。

2009 年 12 月,港岛中学几位朋友到访白湾。他们为白湾中学购买一批双层床,出资为老师办公室安装电脑网路;为南安小学加固阳台护栏。为北安小学安装水管从学校后山水库引水进厨房,他们还雇了一位全职员工照顾宿生。他们还支付加班补贴给参与日常维修工作的濠强小学教师。


In November 2009, twenty-seven Island School teachers and students visited Baiwan. They taught in various schools, visited some local villages and had basketball matches with Baiwan Secondary School. They sponsored Bei An Primary School to buy a new computer in the office, bought new blankets for the school dormitory and food for students. They brought wooly scarves and hats for P5 students in Xi Wang Primary School and bought new uniform and equipment for the school band.

2009 年 11 月, 27名港島中學的師生到訪白灣。他們在不同的學校授課,探訪當地村莊,並與白灣中學及南安小學比賽籃球。他們買了一台電腦給北安小學的辦公室 , 為學校宿舍購買了新的毛毯和送食物給宿生。他們把羊毛圍巾和帽子送給希望小學五年級的同學,還為學校少先隊購買了新的制服和器材。他們亦送給濠強小學學前班學生每人一個背包.

2009年11月,27名来自港岛中学的师生到访白湾。他们在不同的学校授课,探访当地村庄,并与白湾中学及南安小学的学生进行篮球比赛。 他们为北安小学办公室添置电脑,为寄宿生购买毛毯和食物。他们把羊毛围巾和帽子送给希望小学五年级的学生,还未该校少先队购买新的制服和器材。他们还送给豪强小学学前班学生每人一个背包。


In June 2009, a small party of Island School teachers and students visited Baiwan. They taught in various schools and visited some local villages. They sponsored two graduates of Baiwan Secondary School to continue high school education in Qingyuan. They also sponsored Bei An Primary School to renovate the classrooms.


2009年六月,幾名港島中學師生到白灣探訪 ; 他們在學校授課並探訪村落。他們資助二名白灣中學畢業生到清遠繼續升學並資助北安小學翻新課室。