Year 2010


In November 2010, thirty-five Island School teachers and students visited Baiwan. They taught in various schools, visited some local villages and had basketball matches with Baiwan Secondary School and Nan An Primary School. They sponsored Baiwan Secondary School to build a new badminton court. They bought a dozen loud-speakers for Hei Moong Primary School to be used in the classroom. They also helped to distribute shoes, school bags and stationery sets to the students in all primary schools.



In July 2010, a group of post-secondary students based in Guangzhou ran a two-week summer camp for students in Xi Wang Primary School. The activities involved English, Mathematics and general knowledge of the legal system. The expenses of the summer camp and digital equipment were sponsored by the Island School Baiwan Charity.


2010 年 7 月,一群在广州读书的大学生到白湾进行了为期二周的支教活动,对象是希望小学四至六年级同学。活动内容包括英语,数学和法律常识;活动经费及主要数码器材均由港岛中学白湾慈善资助。


In June 2010, thirteen Island School teachers and students visited Baiwan. They taught in various schools and visited some local villages. They had a football match with the secondary school. They sponsored three graduates of Baiwan Secondary School to continue high school education in Qingyuan. They presented scholarship to twenty P6 students in Xi Wang Primary School who did well at the end-of-term exam. They also sponsored Bei An Primary School to buy a digital camera and to obtain internet connection after summer.

2010年6月,十三名港島中學的師生到白灣探訪。他們在學校授課,探訪村落並和白灣中學進行一場足球賽。他們資助三名白灣中學畢業生到清遠繼續升學,並頒發獎學金給予希望小學六年級成績優異的學生。他們同時資助北安小學講買一部相機和安裝網卡 。

2010 年 6 月,十三名港岛中学的师生到白湾探访。他们在学校授课,探访村落和白湾中学进行一场足球赛。他们自主三名白湾中学毕业生到清远继续升学,并颁发奖学金给予希望小学六年级成绩优异的学生。他们同时自主北安小学购买一部相机和安装网卡。