Year 2016
In December 2016, two families of the Island School Community visited Baiwan. They ran activities in Hei Moong Primary School and gave presents to students after the activities. They also visited local villages and households. The Baiwan Charity sponsored the Nan An Scholarship for students who perform well in examinations.
在2016年十二月, 港島中學社區二個家庭抵達白灣.他們在希望小學舉行活動,然後派發禮物給學生.他們亦探訪了一些村莊和家庭. 白灣慈善基金資助南安小學給予考試成績優良學生的奬學金.
在2016年十二月, 港岛中学小区二个家庭抵达白湾.他们在希望小学举行活动,然后派发礼物给学生.他们亦探访了一些村庄和家庭.白湾慈善基金资助南安小学给予考试成绩优良学生的奬学金.
In November 2016, thirty one Island School teachers and students visited Baiwan. They taught in various schools, visited some local villages and had a basketball match with Hei Moong Primary School and Baiwan Secondary School. They distributed scarves and hats to the students in Nan An and Hei Moong Primary Schools. The Baiwan Charity sponsored the Hei Moong Scholarship for students who perform well in examinations. Before the group travelled to Baiwan, they stayed in the Fengxia Middle School in Qingyuan and met the students sponsored by the Baiwan Charity.
At the end of July, a couple from the Island School community visited Baiwan. They visited the homes of some Baiwan Secondary School graduates who receive sponsorship from the Baiwan Charity to continue education in Qingyuan. They also had reunion in Qingyuan with a few beneficiaries of the Baiwan Charity, who are doing well in their career after graduating from Universities.
At end of June 2016, a group of 13 students, teachers and friends from the Island School community visited Baiwan for 4 days. They visited the Fengxia Middle School in Qingyuan on the way to Baiwan and played games with the students sponsored by the Baiwan Charity. They visited the Sunbeam Children’s village and played with the playgroup children there. They also taught in the three schools in Baiwan. The group collected clothes, toys and stationeries before the trip. These resources were distributed to needy families in Baiwan and the children in the schools. During this trip, the Baiwan Charity sponsored the Nan An Primary School to install new windows in the teachers’ dormitory.
在2016年6月底, 13名包括學生,老師和港島中學社區的朋友探訪了白灣4天.他們途中到了清遠的鳳霞中學並與白灣慈善基金資助的學生玩遊戲.他們探訪了陽光兒童村,並與遊戲組的小孩玩耍.他們亦在白灣的三間學校授課.在出發到白灣前他們收集了一批衣物,玩具和文具.這些物資都分發到有需要的家庭和學生手裏.在這次行程,白灣慈善基金資助了南安小學更新教師宿舍窗戶的費用.
在2016年6月底, 13名包括学生,老师和港岛中学小区的朋友探访了白湾4天.他们途中到了清远的凤霞中学并与白湾慈善基金资助的学生玩游戏.他们探访了阳光儿童村,并与游戏组的小孩玩耍.他们亦在白湾的三间学校授课.在出发到白湾前他们收集了一批衣物,玩具和文具.这些物资都分发到有需要的家庭和学生手里.在这次行程, 白湾慈善基金资助了南安小学更新教师宿舍窗户的费用.