Baiwan children/ 白灣兒童


Despite the low family income and the one-child policy, a lot of families still raised 3 or more children. In the past, a lot of children could not afford the school fees and missed school. Since September 2001, the Government of Guangdong Province has granted subsidies for school fees to the poorest families and solved the attendance problem up to Year 9. This applies to children who have birth certificates and register with the government. Unregistered children have to seek sponsorship to go to school. In recent years, all children have enjoyed free education up to and including Secondary Three. More and more children attend high school in Qingyuan, but some students are discouraged by their parents to continue education due to financial issues.

雖然當地收入低微及一孩政策已推行了多年,但很多家庭仍育有至少3個孩子。以往,很多小朋友都因負擔不起學費而未能入學。 由2001年9月開始,廣東省政府撥款支助最貧困的家庭,中三以下的上學問題獲得解決。這個政策只適用於有出生證的兒童,未辨理登記的兒童必須有外界贊助才可以上學。近幾年政府提供免費教育直至中三; 使到越來越多孩子到清遠上高中,但有些家長卻由於經濟原因並不鼓勵自己的孩子去繼續學業。

虽然当地收入低微及一孩政策已推行了多年,但很多家庭 仍育有至少3個孩子。以往,很多小朋友都因负担不起学费而未能入学。由2001年9月开始,广东省政府拨款支助最贫困的家庭,中三以下的上学问题获得解决。这个政策只适用于有出生证的儿童,未辨理登记的儿童必须有外界赞助才可以上学。近几年政府提供免费教育直至中三;使到越来越多孩子到清远上高中,但有些家长却由于经济原因并不鼓励自己的孩子去继续学业。


In March 2008, an Island School parent donated 2000 pairs of shoes to Baiwan children. The sole of the shoes are specially thickened to better cater for the need of their long walk to school. In November 2010, new shoes are donated to all primary students in Baiwan. They also received school bags and stationery sets.

