Student comments 2011/學生感受2011
This year, the group faced hot, sunny weather and cold, rainy weather all in just 24 hours. Nevertheless, the trip was very successful and the students felt that the experience was worth the hardship. Here are some comments by the group at the end of the trip.
Now I feel that I have made the right choice in choosing Baiwan trip for CAS week. The beautiful scenery isn’t the only part of Baiwan I like, the main bit is the innocent and cheerful faces of the little children in Baiwan. Even the slightest thing such as a wave or even a smile would make them extremely happy. I was shocked to see how contented the population of Baiwan are with their lifestyle whereas we were only there for 4-5 days and had started complaining from the first day. However, my group and I together faced the difficulty by helping one another. We developed a stronger bond and trust between each other and have gotten to know more about one another. The whole time I was in Baiwan, I wanted to go back to Hong Kong, but now I wished I had stayed there longer because of the cheerful memories and moments I shared with everyone in Baiwan.
The weather was so cold, since there was no hot water. I took cold shower for five days. When I thought of some of the poor people needing to take a cold shower in a more cold weather, I thought this is just an experience.
However, this trip was different from the rest in that the town was cleaner, the students remembered the English I taught during summer classes, and they were better dressed with fresh clothes. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Bawian trip is the delight and a sense of attainment derived from successfully teaching perky and receptive kids who are interactively engaged and willing to learn. The fact that these children will remember the special lessons we taught for a lifetime motivates us to give our best shot. The people in Baiwan are extremely hospitable. Be it a student in a primary school, a teacher we play basketball against or a villager we visit during a walk, the unstinting generosity is ever-present in Baiwan. Simple life perhaps breeds admirable qualities of character.
然而,這次旅程是與眾不同的,這個小鎮比以前乾淨了,孩子記得我在暑假時教他們的英語課,而且他們都穿戴得整齊乾淨。白灣之旅最有趣的一個環節就在於成功地教授那些活潑可愛又樂於接受的孩子時獲得的歡樂和成就感,他們是如此的積極互動和渴望學習。孩子們銘記著我們所教授的特殊課程,這趨使我們盡力去教好這些課。 白灣的人民十分好客,無論是小學生,或者是和我們進行籃球比賽的老師,抑或是在我們的行程中和我們交談過的村民,白灣隨處可見無私和慷慨。這或許就是簡單的生活方式培養出他們令人敬佩的性格。
然而,这次旅程是与众不同的,这个小镇比以前干净了,孩子记得我在暑假时教他们的英语课,而且他们都穿戴得整齐干净。白湾之旅最有趣的一个环节就在于成功地教授那些活泼可爱又乐于接受的孩子时获得的欢乐和成就感,他们是如此的积极互动和渴望学习。孩子们牢记着我们所教授的特殊课程,这驱使我们尽力去教好这些课。 白湾的人民十分好客,无论是小学生,或者和我们进行篮球比赛的老师,抑或是在我们的行程中和我们交谈过的村民,白湾随处可见无私与慷慨。这或许就是简单的生活方式培养出他们令人钦佩的性格。