Student comments 2008/學生感受2008


The visit to Baiwan has always turned out to be an extremely rewarding experience for IS students. The following are some comments written by Group 2008 at the end of the trip.



DSC05194We went to a class that night where students around our age were studying or doing homework. They clapped as we entered the room. During that time each student approached me with a big smile on their face; waving hello to me. I cannot speak a word of Chinese but they liked the idea of practising their English on me. We exchanged simple questions such as “what are your hobbies” or “where are you from” or “what is your favourite subject”. I also noticed their surprised faces when I told them I was from India – one student seemed confused about how an Indian came to be in Hong Kong.

那一晚我們去了一個課室,裏面的學生和我們年齡相若,他們正在温習或做功課。當我們進入房間時他們都鼓掌歡迎。在此期間,每個走近我的學生都滿面笑容,並揮手向我打招呼。我不會講一句中文,但他們喜歡用我來練習英語。我們互相提問簡單的問題,如「你有什麼愛好 」 或 「你是哪裡人」 或 「 你最喜愛什麼科目 」。當我告訴他們我是來自印度時,他們都十分驚訝 ─ 一個學生似乎因一個印度人為何會來到香港而感到困惑。

那一晚我们去了一个课室,里面的学生和我们年龄相若,他们正在温习或做功课。当我们进入房间时他们都鼓掌欢迎。在此期间,每个走近我的学生都满面笑容, 并 挥手向我打招呼。我不会讲一句中文,但他们喜欢用我来练习英语。我们互相提问简单的问题,如「你有什么爱好」或「你是哪里人」或「你最喜爱什么科目」。当我告诉他们我是来自印度时,他们都十分惊讶 ─ 一个学生似乎因一个印度人为何会来到香港而感到困惑。


Apart from the features of the village, the living conditions that I personally faced shocked me. The scruffy toilets, cold showers, hard beds, lack of air-conditioner, stampedes of flies, and long treks have all contributed to my experience and altered my viewpoint of the world. What strikes me greatly is the fact that many Baiwan children still look happy, even though my shocking living conditions are probably a lot better than what they have. This leads me to wonder how Baiwan children would feel had they been given the chance to experience a modern lifestyle of luxury. Although this may be controversial, I believe the majority of Baiwan children would cry with joy if given this chance….

除了村莊的外表,我面對的生活條件都使我震驚。破舊的廁所,冷水浴,硬板床,沒有空調的環境,蒼蠅處處,和長途步行都增進了我的經驗和改變了我的世界觀。儘管白灣兒童所擁有的居住條件比我那個嚇人的環境更差,可是他們看起來仍是那麼快樂;這一點對我最震撼。我想知道如果白灣兒童有機會體驗到現代奢侈的生活方式時會有什麼感覺。雖然這可能是有爭議性,但我相信如果有這個機會,大多數白灣的孩子會喜極而泣 …



When I first arrived in Baiwan I was stunned by what I saw. The houses were breaking apart, the clothes of the children were tearing and the streets stank of a mix of gruesome smells. I’ve never been so close to poverty and yet I’ve had the most amazing experience there. This empty, isolated village has filled my heart with love that I’ve never experienced before.




One of the most memorable experience s was during the village walk where an old lady living with her two granddaughters invited us into her house and offered us corn congee. It really struck me as I see how the friendly villagers are willing to share with others despite the fact that they have very little. She is one of the most generous people I have ever met.




My friends’ comments came NOWHERE close to describing the experience, especially about the immense feeling of satisfaction when that last, stubborn kid who won’t talk actually gets up and participates, or when the class you’re teaching really commits what you’ve been teaching to heart. Nor were my friends able to relay that almost indescribable feeling when you turn your back on a school you’ve been teaching at for the last time, turn your back on those welcoming, smiling children, wondering if your lives will ever cross paths again. “Grief” doesn’t quite cover it, “sad” is simply too simple, but that feeling I got is an imperfect reflection of both words put together.

朋友的評論遠遠不足以描述我的經驗,特別是最後當那倔強的、不願說話的孩子站起來參與時,所獲得的巨大滿足感;或當你所教的那一班衷心投入課堂的活動時。我的朋友亦不能夠把那幾乎難以形容的感覺詮釋,當你最後一次轉身離開那所教過的學校,離開那批友善的,笑容滿面的孩子,不知道你們的生命會否再次重遇。悲痛不完全達意,可悲卻 過於簡單,但我這種感覺不完美地體現了這兩個詞放在一起的情懷。
