Geographic location/ 地理位置
Bai Wan is a small district in the northern part of Guangdong province. It is 90 km away from the nearest city Qing Yuan, which is 65 km from Guangzhou.
To go to Bai Wan from Hong Kong by public transport, first take a 4-hour bus from Hunghom to Qing Yuan or by high-speed rail from West Kowloon Station to Qingyuan. Once in Qingyuan, take a 2-hour local bus to Bai Wan.
在香港可乘由紅磡出發的直通巴士,4個多小時便可以到達清遠.亦可乘高鐵由西九出發到清遠. 由清遠再轉乘當地巴士,兩個小時便可到達白灣.
在香港可乘由红勘出发的直通巴士,4个多小时便可以到达清远.亦可乘高铁由西九出发到清远. 由清远再转乘当地巴士,两个小时便可到达白湾.