Schools in Baiwan/白灣的學校

Secondary school 4

There is only one school in Baiwan, which provides education from pre-school to Year 9. There are 425 students in total with 190 in the secondary session. Students from preschool to Y3 are on the campus which was previously known as the Xi Wang Primary School. Click here to find out more about the school. Students from Y4 to Y9 are on campus which was previously occupied by the Baiwan Secondary School. The school building was established in 1996 with the support of overseas donations. Until merging with the Xi Wang Primary School in 2024, it had been the only secondary school in Baiwan. Click here to find out more about the school.

There is one class per year for Y1 to Y6 and two classes per year for Y7 to Y9.

白灣祇有一所學校,提供由學前班到9年級的教育。 學生425名,其中190名在中學部。 由學前班到三年級的學生都在原希望小學的校舍上課; 按這裡找出多一些關於學校的資料。 由四年級到九年級的學生在原白灣中學的校舍上課;直至2024年與希望小學合併前,白灣中學一直都是當地唯一的中學。現在的校舍於1996年在海外捐款的支持下建成。按這裡找出多一些關於白灣中學的資料。


白湾祇有一所学校,提供由学前班到9年级的教育。 学生425名,其中190名在中学部。 由学前班到三年级的学生都在原希望小学的校舍上课; 按这里找出多一些关于学校的数据。 由四年级到九年级的学生在原白湾中学的校舍上课; 直至2024年与希望小学合并前,白湾中学一直都是当地唯一的中学.现在的校舍于1996年在海外捐款的支持下建成。按这里找出多一些关于白湾中学的数据。



Due to the population drop, the government decided to merge the two primary schools in the summer of 2021. Students of Nan An Primary School are bussed to Xi Wang Primary School every day and stay there for lunch. With the sponsor of the Baiwan Charity, the students have meat every day and an egg every week. They also sponsor the cost of the meals and the school bus fee for needy families.

由於人口下降,政府決定在2021年夏天把兩所小學合併。 南安小學的學生每天乘坐巴士前往希望小學,並在那裏食午飯。 白灣慈善基金贊助學生們每天都有肉吃和每周都有一個雞蛋; 基金同時為有需要的家庭提供餐費和校巴費。

由于人口下降,政府决定在2021年夏天把两所小学合并。  南安小学的学生每天乘坐巴士前往希望小学,并在那里食午饭。  白湾慈善基金赞助学生们每天都有肉吃和每周都有一个鸡蛋;  基金同时为有需要的家庭提供餐费和校巴费。