Student comments 2004/學生感受2004


The visit to Baiwan has always turned out to be an extremely rewarding experience for IS students. The following are some comments written by Group 2004 at the end of the trip.




I will never forget a moment when we were leaving and two girls whom we taught started crying, I guess the time we spent with them was one of the memorable times in their lives.

這是我一生都不會忘記的一刻,當我們離開時,我們曾教過的兩個小女孩開始飲泣, 我想我們一起的日子是她們一生中最值得回憶的時光.

这是我一生都不会忘记的一刻,当我们离开时,我们曾教过的两个小女孩开始饮泣, 我想我们一起的日子是她们一生中最值得回忆的时光.


Bearing in mind our groups past experiences with teaching we were somewhat doubtful of our ability to teach and deliver a lesson to a class. But somehow here in Baiwan, we rose to the challenge and I believe we carried out a lesson with much confidence. I guess it was the students’ enthusiasm to learn that helped us teach a lesson.



Still remember the day when I felt down, 3 girls came over with presents or letters. I was so touched that I wanted to cry….

我還記得當我跌倒時, 3個女孩子寫信和送禮物給我,我感動得想哭。

我还记得当我跌倒时, 3个女孩子写信和送礼物给我,我感动得想哭。