Year 2018
In end of December 2018, 24 people from 7 families visited Baiwan. They taught in local primary and secondary schools. Their lessons involved art and crafts, Chemistry experiment, microprocessor programming and English conversation. They brought food and gifts for some local families during their visit. The Baiwan Charity sponsored the school fees and living expenses of the children in a family in the nearby Huáng Huā Town. It also sponsored the Xiwang Primary School to re-paint 96 iron doors. Here are some comments by the children who took part in this trip.
在2018年12月底, 七個家庭共24人造訪白灣.他們在當地的中小學上課.內容包括手工美術,化學實驗,微處理器編程及英文口語.他們探訪當地一些家庭時帶來食品和禮物.白灣慈善基金資助了附近黃花鎮一個家庭的幾個孩子的學費和生活費.基金亦資助了希望小學翻新96道鐵門的油漆費用.這裏是參與這次旅程的孩子的一些感想.
在2018年年12月底, 七个家庭共24人造访白湾.他们在当地的中小学上课.内容包括手工美术,化学实验,微处理器编程及英文口语.他们探访当地一些家庭时带来食品和礼物.白湾慈善基金资助了附近黄花镇一个家庭的几个孩子的学费和生活费.基金亦资助了希望小学翻新96道铁门的油漆费用.这里是参与这次旅程的孩子的一些感想.
In November 2018, thirty four Island School teachers and students visited Baiwan. They taught in local schools, visited some local villages and had basketball matches with the teachers in Hei Moong Primary School and Baiwan Secondary School students. They distributed scarves and hats to the students in Nan An and Hei Moong Primary Schools. The Baiwan Charity sponsored the scholarship for primary students who perform well in examinations. Before the group travelled to Baiwan, they visited Fengxia Middle School in Qingyuan and met the students sponsored by the Baiwan Charity.
2018年11月,港岛中学老师和学生一行34人到访白湾。 期间他们在当地学校授课,探访附近的村庄,并与希望小学老师和白湾中学的学生进行篮球比赛。 他们将一批围巾和帽子分发给南安小学和希望小学的学生。 白湾慈善基金资助希望和南安小学给予考试成绩优良学生的奬学金.在港岛中学师生上白湾之前,他们探访在清远的凤霞中学并与白湾慈善基金资助的学生见面和交流.
A couple of the Baiwan community visited Baiwan at end of July. They visited some families whose children received sponsorship to further education in Qingyuan after the summer. On their way back to Hong Kong, they met with a group of young people in Qingyuan. Some of them were beneficiaries of the Baiwan Charity in past years and have started their career in Qingyuan or Guangzhou. Others are university students with the support of the Baiwan Charity.
Fifty MP3 were donated to the Baiwan Secondary School in March to help Y9 students to improve their English listening skills. A couple from the Baiwan Community visited the school at end of March. They were pleased to see that students find those MP3 very useful. They also sponsored the school to build the covered corridors between the various blocks of the school building.